Antique stove

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Antique stove
I am selling this beautiful antique stove, it was originally from a local historical mansion. For sale for 1700 euros or we can make a deal for the right buyer.

Reason: selling due to not using the stove

Price1 700 €
AdvertiserVojtech Sipos
Pri Slanej 12, 98201 Tornala Pri Slanej 12, 98201 Tornala antique-stove
User typeCitizen
ContactSend email
Phone no.+421 907 658 071
CategoriesUncategorized antiques
Created03.07.2024 17:11
Valid toValid indefinitely
Updated03.07.2024, 17:11
Ad ID4652
Updated: 03.07.2024, Edit, Print , Compare, Report a bug

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