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Predám starožitné dámske celozlaté náramkové hodinky zn. Omega, funkčné. Antique binoculars for sale, telescopes, astronomical binoculars, astronomical binoculars, hunting binoculars, military binoculars Offer your antiques to buyout antiques. Place your free antique on page MojeStarozitnosti.sk - stock exchange antiques, add photos and a detailed description of the antiquities and sell your antiques.
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To the stock exchange of antiques ...... read more » Antique crystal, glass, cut crystal, crystal healing predám tieto krásne zachovalé dámske náramkové hodinky značka ZARJA,22 jewels.Made in USSR,40 rokov staré.Hodinky su velmi zachovalé,plne funkčné (mechanický strojček,22 jewels).Mosadzný zapínací remienok.Dlka s remienkom-170mm,priemer ...